Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Let Me Die In My Footsteps (Bob Dylan)

Let Me Die In My Footsteps by snewjackswing1983

Hey Everybody! It's been such a long time since I've posted any songs on here. So, here's some songs! Bob Dylan songs! Hooray!

To start things of is one of those classic tunes of his that somehow is still applicable to life today. At least in my opinion, it is. Hey government: Stop telling me what to do. Stop fighting stupid war. I'll live till I die. I'll die how I want. With my boots on! So there.

(Also, for any of you familiar with this song, I changed the states in the verse to the ones I've actually lived in. Except for one. If you can name the incorrect one, you get a prize!)

Mama, You Been On My Mind (Bob Dylan)

Mama, You Been On My Mind by snewjackswing1983

I just love this song. Whether to a new lover or perhaps an old friend... just a simple reminder that you're being thought of, prayed for, and there's nothing you've done, or can do, to change that.

Also, I get a kick from playing harmonica with my guitar. I need to get better.

Farewell, Angelina (Bob Dylan)

Farewell, Angelina by snewjackswing1983

Here's a song about... well, I'm not completely sure, but it has some awesome verses. See if you can find the one about playing cards!

All joking aside, I really like this song. It has a soothing, yet sad, sound. I don't know if Angelina was a lover or friend, but something's wrong and it's time to go.

Moonshiner (Bob Dylan)

Moonshiner by snewjackswing1983

Here's a song about moonshine. whiskey. beer. harmonica. enjoy.